



No words can describe it

No example can point to it

Samsara does not make it worse

Nirvana does not make it better

It has never been born

And it never died

It never existed

And it always is present

It has no limits at all


There is a secret one inside us

The planets of all galaxies 

Pass through his hands like beads

Just look with luminous eyes


Fly high

Let the earth touch the sky


Be where you are 

Heaven is all the way to heaven


One song can spark a moment

One flute can take you home 

And a forest always starts with one tree


One candle wipes out darkness

One laugh will conquer sadness

One step begins the path to be free


One bird can herald spring

One smile can make you sing

One touch can really show you care


One voice can speak with wisdom

One word can make a difference

One heart can be the source of all prayer


The impermanence of our days

The colors, dreams of our ways

Have taught my soul the need to defy gravity,

Now with a deeper sense of wonder

I turn to love, I step and I fly... 



Buddham sharanam Gachami

Sangham Sharanam Gachami

Dharmam Sharanam Gachami


Holy Ground


Hare OM


You don't have to act crazy anymore

We all know you are good at that

Now retire, my dear, from all the hard work you do

Look into the clear mountain mirror

Discover the ancient warrior again

And meet divine essence, you always carry inside


For the way the sun is rising,   

Every morning, every day

Take a moment to give thanks

A moment of silence and of prayer

Singing   from the chamber of glory

Breathe into the spacious land

And make it an offering

A prayer with an open hand



Draw Near

Draw near, draw near, and I will whisper in your ear, ...the name whose radiance makes the spheres to dance!


Just one glimpse of the real one standing here and 

we are in love.....



Like the sun is rising in a grateful heart

The moon is smiling like a work of art

The night sky opens possibilities and

Keeps the mystery alive

Freedom in a life of authenticity

Surrender to love and simplicity and draw near

Mystery Veil

When your truth forsakes its shyness

When your fears surrender to your strengths

And you begin to experience that all existence 

Is teaming up to make you dance


When your laughter finds its rhythm and your

Tears find their way home

And you are taking in the morning air 

As you gratefully stand on your own


When your trust becomes a mountain 

And your fears begin to smile

And for no reason all your senses 

Become extremely sweet and wild


And you suddenly have a knowing wider than the sky

And you deeply feel connected with a sense of yes 

In a handful of earth and sky in a handful of God

We cannot count all the ecstatic lovers who are dancing there

Lifting the mystery veil



Forgive quickly - love deeply

Dance wildly - move slowly

Breathe easy - stand firmly- 

Listen deeply - walk lightly


The Way you are

May there be peace within

May you trust that you are exactly 

Where you are meant to be

May you never forget, the sky of possibilities is always open for you


May you use the gifts that you've received,

Pass on the love that's been given to you

May you love yourself,...just the way that you are!


Discover wonder bye and bye

Changing and empty like the sky

And may you delight in being alive

Just the way that you are


May you bring a candle into the dark

Find new life on every journey you embark

May your dreams be blessed

Just the way that you are


May you know beauty from within

Find your way when you get lost

May you love the world

Just the way that




Healing circles, hawks and roses

Trusting eyes and children’s noses

Pressed against the comfort of your skin


Strong and easy, self-forgetting, 

Colors, brushes, no regretting because love rules

When you dance inside the wind


Making choices, a quest for freedom

Loving friends and brothers feeling held

Inside the circle and the maze 


Holding the child with love so tender

With every step a new surrender to give yourself

To the goodness of the days

Though the tides of time may change your paradigm

And the taste of autumn fades summers playful fireflies

Though sorrow and delight become close allies and unite

To ruthlessly reveal the inner sky


Kayla,    …all eyes delight in your loving gaze

Kayla,  ….a good way to name

 Pure, beloved and beautiful, beautiful always


No matter the joys you had

No matter the tears you shed

We are here to celebrate you home!


Thank you!

 Now I have one thing left to say 

That is to thank you for this day

For Earth and Sky, for Fire and Sea

For all I gratefully receive.

 ... For Simply walking on this earth

For every challenge, every birth

For all the Wonders beyond belief

For all I gratefully receive.

 For every kindness, every smile

Every contrast, every style

For every breath and sunny skies

...And I so Thank you for the